Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Veritas Radio - 5 / 5 - Vaccines, Inc.: Putting Wealth Before Health

To listen to the full interview, subscribe at www.veritasradio.com S ynopsis In the foreword by Dr. Andrew Moulden he says "If penicillin shots and peanut butter sandwiches were mandated, many children would be harmed; some would even die. If we cannot give penicillin or peanut butter to everybody safely, the logical progression that injecting live, biologically active, immunogenetic particles cannot be safe for everyone either." Warfarin is rat poison. Statins weaken the heart. CoQ10 can reverse receding gums. The stuff one learns listening to Dr. Sherry Tenpenny! But the former emergency room specialist, osteopath, and alternative medicine clinic owner is waging a battle. Her clarion call is for informed consent, for knowledgeable consumers, of vaccinations. They are far more dangerous than orthodox medicine will admit. The chemicals, heavy metals, adverse effects and sheer number of vaccinations being coerced if not required by a growing preponderance of authorities is cause for concern, she says. Consumers have a right to know that medical directives (thou shalt get your flu shot), government agencies (the CDC, the FDA) and profit-driven pharmaceutical companies are elements of revolving door behemoths that don't necessarily have your good health as highest priority. After all, big pharma makes the drugs that treat other drugs' side effects, don't they? "The vaccination program has been a 200-year, multi-generational brainwashing campaign," she says, worsened now by ...

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Vitamin D and Depression - Can the Sunshine Vitamin Be Part of a Cure?

!±8± Vitamin D and Depression - Can the Sunshine Vitamin Be Part of a Cure?

Vitamin D and depression are associated...which means that maintaining adequate levels can support mental health. But there is no research indicating that vitamin D deficiency causes depression or provides treatment on its own.

In 2002, the United States NHANES study of over 15,000 people found that 75% of Americans had vitamin D blood levels below what is necessary to support optimal health. In 2010, Statistics Canada confirmed similar results after conducting blood tests on over 5,300 Canadians. But what does the research say about vitamin D and depression?

Vitamin D is known as the "sunshine vitamin" because our bodies produce it naturally when unprotected skin is exposed to the sunlight. As the vitamin travels through our body, its first role is to maintain the blood calcium levels needed to maintain health. But as it passes through the kidneys, it also becomes a potent steroid hormone that strengthens our immune system and impacts brain function. But does the positive effect on brain function actually help to prevent depression?


Despite broad agreement that vitamin D plays an essential role in our physical health, the interaction between vitamin D and depression is still not clear. A small study of 44 healthy people found that 800 IU of vitamin D3 enhanced the participants' mood during the winter. And another study found that 100,000 IU of D2 improved depression scales of people with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). But there has not yet been any substantial research on vitamin D and depression as opposed to milder forms of mood disorders.

As vitamin D plays such an important role in preserving our health and protecting us from disease, it is generally agreed that maintenance of optimal blood levels should be considered within a depression treatment program. The Vitamin D Council recommends a daily dosage of 5,000 IU until blood tests indicate whether this dosage should be increased or decreased.

Increasing vitamin D intake through exposure to sunlight provides the additional benefit of increasing brain serotonin...which is known to enhance feelings of well-being. As research has shown that summer sunlight increases brain serotonin levels twice as much as winter sunlight, there is some speculation that vitamin D may play a role in this improved well-being.

People who have enjoyed the benefits of light therapy for mild depression may choose to use an ultraviolet light or sunbed to gain the benefits of both the light and increased vitamin D.

It is also important to get enough magnesium and calcium to support the absorption of vitamin D. Bone building supplements provide an excellent source of these minerals while also helping to prevent osteoporosis.

For information on bone building supplements that support vitamin D and depression treatment...visit http://www.osteoporosis-vitamins.com/best-calcium-for-osteoporosis.html

Vitamin D and Depression - Can the Sunshine Vitamin Be Part of a Cure?

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Vitamin C - Why Its Good For You and How to Get It

!±8± Vitamin C - Why Its Good For You and How to Get It

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is one of the most well known vitamins out there. Who hasn't heard that you are supposed to take high doses of Vitamin C when you get a cold? And that oranges are great protection because of the vitamin C.

You have probably heard that sailors back in the 16th century used to catch scurvy because of a lack of vitamin C. But no one catches scurvy any more, right? So, why is it so important, and where can you get it?

Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants known to man. Antioxidants are used to fight free radical damage in the body. Free radical damage is attributed to cancer, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease and stroke. According to some theories, free radicals are actually responsible for all of the signs of aging, not to mention the degenerative diseases that come with it. That means that ascorbic acid is a great way to prevent disease and may slow down the affects of aging.

In addition to its strong antioxidant properties ascorbic acid strengthens the structure of your arteries. It can also help to lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure. Like we discussed earlier, ascorbic acid has a positive affect on your overall health and can help fight the common cold and other conditions by strengthening the immune system.

The "problem" with ascorbic acid is that it is water soluble. Because of this property, it cannot be stored in the body for long. It needs to be replenished each day.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to get this powerful nutrient into your system. Some of the foods that are high in ascorbic acid are red peppers, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. It is also high in fruits such as Acai berries, oranges, strawberries and black currants. There are many other fruits and vegetables that contain high levels of ascorbic acid.

In addition, if you do not get enough fruits and vegetables in your diet, it is very easy to add a Vitamin C supplement.

Vitamin C is one of life's most critical nutrients. It is valuable in preventing many diseases, and fortunately it is easy to add to your diet.

But, excessive doses of it have been shown to cause kidney problems, so you should not "over indulge". It can also cause diarrhea and nausea. This is especially true when taking ascorbic acid as a supplement. You should definitely talk to your doctor or nutritionist before adding high amounts to your diet.

You already know that antioxidants are a powerful way to fight disease. Vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants on the market today.

Vitamin C - Why Its Good For You and How to Get It

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Vit D Sun Breast Cancer

homefirst.com GrassrootsHealth New Research Publication in the Anticancer Research Journal, 2/21/2011 Dear Mayer, Congratulations and thanks to absolutely everyone who has participated in and supported this project! According to one of our panel members, Dr. Anthony Norman: "This paper provides a long awaited insight into a dose-response relationship between orally administered vitamin D3 and the resulting levels of serum 25(OH)D in over 3600 citizens. The results will allow a new definition of high vitamin D dose safety and reduce concerns about toxicity. This is a landmark contribution in the vitamin D nutrition field!" Key findings: There were 3667 people's first test data reported on No suggestions of toxicity were reported even up to intakes as high as 40000 IU/day (not a recommended amount, however) It's going to take about 9600 IU/day to get 97.5% (almost everyone) to the 40 ng/ml level. Individual variations however range from 0 to over 50000 IU/day! Testing is necessary to determine what the starting serum level is and how to adjust intake It took 3 tests (1 year) to determine the optimal dose for each individual The NEW rule of thumb for dosing will be changed. We'll publish a chart for all very shortly. Currently, it is stated that you can increase the serum level by 10 ng/ml with 1000 IU/day. Per our research, this is true only when starting at about 10 ng/ml. If you want to go from 50 to 60 ng/ml, it will take an additional 2000 IU/day (ie, the rise is only 5 ...

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